

Affording a Heritage Hall Education

List of 1 items.

  • Tuition and Financial Aid

    Below you will find information about Heritage Hall's tuition and payment options for the 2025-26 academic year. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact the Admission Office at

2025-26 Tuition

List of 5 items.

  • Preschool

    Five half-days: $12,700
    Two half-days and three whole days: $18,150
    Five whole days: $20,350
  • Pre-K

    Two half-days and three whole days: $18,000
    Five whole days: $20,350
  • Grades K-4

  • Grades 5-6

  • Grades 7-12


Educational Support Services (ESS)*

Grades 2-4: $26,450
Grades 5-6: $27,550
Grades 7-12: $31,150

*Educational Support Services - For students with professionally diagnosed learning differences. Read more.
Tuition rates do not include books, lunch, and other related fees. Prices for the Heritage Hall Lunch Program featuring SAGE Dining are as follows for the 2024-25 academic year:

  • Preschool and Pre-kindergarten (ECC) - 5 full days, $1,225
  • Preschool and Pre-kindergarten (ECC) - 3 full days 2 half days, $825
  • Kindergarten through Grade 4 - $1,325
  • Grades 5 through 8 - $1,425

Tuition Payment Options

Tuition is payable in one of three ways: annually, by semester, or monthly over ten months, depending on your individual needs. We accept electronic fund transfers, debit cards, and credit cards.

Patrons will be required to participate in the Tuition Refund Program (TRP) if they elect to pay tuition in monthly installments or by semester. The fee to participate in the program is 1.5% of the annual tuition rate.

Tuition Assistance

The Board of Trustees is committed to making a Heritage Hall education available to all qualified students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds in grades 5-12. Need-based tuition assistance is awarded each year as determined by the School and Student Financial Aid Service (SSS) and in accordance with Heritage Hall's policies and guidelines (see FAQs below). Visit the SSS site for more information and to submit a financial aid application.

Please note that all candidates must have completed the admission process and been accepted before applying for financial aid. 


List of 19 frequently asked questions.

  • What is the financial aid process?

    We partner with School and Student Services (SSS) in our financial aid process. To apply for financial aid at our school, you will complete the SSS financial aid application (also referred to as the Parents’ Financial Statement or PFS) and submit the required documents indicated below within the SSS Family Portal. Your admissions officer can provide you with specific instructions on how to apply.

    The SSS application is comprehensive and will take some time to complete. Give yourself the time you need by not waiting until the day of the deadline. You’ll need your 2023 tax return to complete the application. 

    To make our decision, we use the information from the PFS as a starting point. We also consider school policy and practices, additional information you provide, and the available budget. Financial aid funds are limited; applications must be received by the deadline to be eligible for full consideration.
  • What are the financial aid program principles?

    • Financial aid is an essential tool in maintaining a diverse and balanced student body.
    • Financial aid is strictly need-based, there are no athletic or academic scholarships.
    • Consistent with our philosophy that parents should invest in their children’s education, Heritage Hall does not grant 100% financial aid.
    • Financial aid enables students to participate in all aspects of school life fairly and equitably (no work-study programs).
    • Only families of students in grades 5-12 may apply. The family’s need is determined by the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS) and all supporting documents.
    • All families must re-apply each year.
    • Priority is given to current families before making new commitments.
    • We recognize the increasing burden of tuition on middle-income families and work to retain our students using financial aid as a tool.
    • Financial Aid is entirely confidential. Only members of the financial aid committee are aware of who receives aid. Grant recipients and their parents must honor the confidential nature of this program. Failure to do so could result in the loss of assistance.
  • How does Heritage Hall fund its financial aid program?

    The School’s operating budget funds our Financial Aid Program. Heritage Hall believes balance and diversity make for a quality educational experience. We do not receive state or federal funds.
  • How is financial aid determined?

    Heritage Hall is a member of the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS), which assists independent schools in determining a family’s financial need. The Report of Family Contribution (RFC), which SSS computes, is reviewed by our Financial Aid Committee along with supporting documents. The RFC report serves as a guideline in making financial aid decisions, but it does not bind the school to any specific grant.
  • Who may apply for financial aid?

    Any qualified student entering grades 5 through 12 may apply.
  • Does the request for financial aid influence the admission process?

    No. Heritage Hall accepts students based on academic merit, test scores, and personal qualities. Financial aid files are reviewed, and awards are made only after the admission committee has accepted students.
  • How is financial need determined?

    Financial need is the difference between what it costs to attend Heritage Hall and a family’s ability to pay. The Report of Family Contribution (RFC) sent to Heritage Hall by SSS (and available online for parents to view), provides the School with a general assessment of what a family can afford to invest in education. Significant factors in determining financial need include but are not limited to, income, assets (including home equity, college funds, and investments), family size, and the number of children attending tuition-charging institutions, excluding daycare, preschool, and graduate school.
  • Is financial aid automatically renewed each year?

    No. Heritage Hall requires families receiving financial aid to reapply each year. While we assume ongoing financial support for students who are awarded assistance, a change in such criteria as income, family status, and the number of children attending private institutions may increase or decrease the award amount. An additional part of the process is a review of all recipients' academic and conduct records. We expect that grant recipients will honor the award with commitment and dedication. Families receiving aid are expected to pay tuition on time each month. Delinquent tuition payments will jeopardize eligibility for continuing financial aid.
  • How does the Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit (PCTC) play into the financial aid decision?

    Heritage Hall expects financial aid families to apply for the tax credit when the application opens each year and requires that they upload a pdf of the award amount or denial notice for each child to SSS. Financial aid applications will be processed once a tax credit notice is uploaded to the financial aid portal (award with amount or denial).
  • May I apply for financial aid if it is after the deadline?

    Yes. Many students may seek admission and financial aid after the deadline. We welcome all applications but, financially, we may be limited in the level of support that we can provide.
  • My spouse does not work. How will that affect my financial aid award?

    Since we believe that families bear the primary responsibility for financing their children's education, it is our policy to expect both parents to contribute financially. If your spouse chooses not to work and has children in school full time, the School will impute a $30,000 income onto the non-earning spouse.
  • What happens if parents voluntarily reduce their income?

    It is our policy to decline to subsidize a parent’s voluntary reduction of income. It is assumed that parents have considered the financial impact of that decision on their ability to afford the tuition at Heritage Hall, recognizing that such a change could prevent a child from enrolling or returning to school. Returning to school for professional or graduate work, or to change careers, and in some cases, starting your own business, is considered a voluntary reduction in income and is treated accordingly.
  • I never do my taxes until the IRS April 15 deadline. Will this affect my financial aid award?

    It should not as Heritage Hall asks for prior year tax information. For example, if you apply for the 25-26 school year, the required taxes for a new family will be their 2023 and 2022.
  • Is there a fee associated with the application for assistance?

    Yes. SSS charges $60 to process your application. You can log in after you submit the FA application to review the Report of Family Contribution (RFC).
  • How will I be notified of my award?

    New families applying for assistance will receive a contract reflecting the award after the Financial Aid Committee makes a decision. A $100 tuition deposit must be submitted with the signed contract to complete enrollment.
  • Are there special instructions if parents request financial aid for more than one student?

    No. Parents need to file only one PFS, listing all children planning to attend Heritage Hall or any other tuition-charging institution listed in the instruction book.
  • What happens if parents are divorced or separated?

    We believe that parents are obligated to pay for their children's educational expenses to the extent they can. The Financial Aid Committee will consider the assets of both parents, if living, before making any award. It cannot be bound by the assertion that one parent has disclaimed responsibility for educational expenses, legally or otherwise. If either parent has remarried, the committee will also consider the income and assets of the stepparent, always bearing in mind the obligation of that stepparent to his or her natural children.
    Given this policy, we require that both parents complete a separate PFS form. The custodial parent is responsible for asking the non-custodial parent to complete this form.
  • What payment plans are available?

    Heritage Hall offers three payment options: annual, semester, and a 10-month payment plan. All payments must be paid via automatic withdrawals from your bank account.
  • Do I still have to purchase tuition refund insurance if I receive financial aid?

    Tuition insurance is required for all families who pay tuition by semester or monthly.
Heritage Hall is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse community promoting fairness, acceptance, equal treatment, and opportunities for all. With regard to hiring, student admission, allocation of financial aid, and educational policy, it is our policy not to discriminate and to comply with all applicable state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, gender, national origin, religion, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, or other applicable protected classification.